Questions and answers!

We are getting a lot of comments and questions regarding this topic.
I will start to write here the questions and answers.
1. Why do I need this x-wrist, I am not a Hypochondriac.
A: If you use this it does not mean that you have a disease, it means that you want to prevent one.
2. How can x-wrist prevent diseases?
A: By gathering enough health data keep a history of it and present it to a medic. He can then make medical assumptions regarding your immediate health and prescribe better recipes.
Prevention is the act of stopping something from happening or avoiding it altogether. So, the proverbial saying prevention is better than cure means that it is sensible to stop a bad thing or an illness from happening in the first place than to have to deal with awful problems, worse health issues or damages later.
3. How can a medic see my data?
A: You need to give access to your data to a medic via our medic administration panel. He will there see your entire data history.
4. There are a lot of other devices that do what x-wrist does?
A: No, x-wrist is the only health tracker that measures everything automatically, at your desired time (minimum 10″ maximum 2′) or manually. Other devices only measures on a push of a button. (on demand)
5. What can x-wrist actually measure?
A: x-wrist can measure: blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, blood oxigen (spO2), EKG (on demand), steps, calories, sleep, distance, workouts, body temperature, food calories intake, and many more.
6. What application does the band use?
A: It uses x-wrist app available in Apple app store or Google play store.
7. From what material is x-wrist 1 made from?
A: x-wrist is made from recycled plastic. We want to become 0% carbon emissions by 2025.
8. How can x-wrist measure blood pressure?
A: x-wrist needs a certified medical device as a baseline to preset your true blood pressure in the app. You can see this YouTube video as a demonstration.
9. How does x-wrist measure EKG?
A: x-wrist uses 2 electrodes to measure EKG, you can read more about it here: How to measure EKG with x-wrist band
10. Can x-wrist measure your vital signs less or more than 10 minutes?
A: Yes, you can configure it to measure at 10/20/30 minutes intervals or 1/2 hours intervals. You can also disable automatic intervals and measure everything manually on demand by pressing the main button on desired menu.
11. Do you need to have medical knowledge to analize the data inside the app?
A: No, you can have your doctor look at the data. Or simply read the A.I. insights* the x-wrist app sends. *(Artificial intelligence insights)
12. If I look at the data all the time I will not do much living no?
A: No, you do not have to look at the data all the time. Once you set up the band you forget about it. All you need to do is wear, it and the app does everything for you. If it spots something wrong with your health you will recieve a message.
13. Does x-wrist have a physical store?
A: No. X-wrist only sales online.
14. Does x-wrist offer live 24/7 tech support?
A: Yes. We offer e-mail (No phone).
15. There are instructions inside the box on how to set up the band?
A: Yes, but as there are a lot of phones in the world, multiple models thus we cannot use that much paper to print an entire encyclopedia of help pages, this is why we moved our help manual online:
16. When was x-wrist first launched?
A: x-wrist launched in December 2021.
17. Is x-wrist a trademark? What is the business legal name?
A: x-wrist is a registered brand name owned by NRG CORE GLOBAL (U. K.) LTD.
18. Is x-wrist band medically certified?
A: No. Not yet. We have sent the neccesary paperwork in Nov. 2021, but it will take some time to get everything aproved and tested. But in the meanwhile we tested our band against certified medical devices, HERE you can see the tests we took.
19. Does x-wrist offer discounts?
A: No, but sometimes we have offers that have a small discount.
20. What does a medic/personal trainer/nutritionist see when I use x-wrist?
A: They can see your entire health history data: blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, sleep time and quality, food you eat (the app asks for food pictures), how much you walked, exercised, blood pulse, calories lost….everything recorded at any specific time. Essentially they can use this data to asses your health.
This Q&A is subject to change as we grow and receive inquiries daily.